Take a look at this picture, very carefully:

These are the lungs of a 6 year old child called Luke.

Cause of death... a peanut.

The parents decided to frame his lungs (with the peanut), to show other parents what happens if you are unprepared in a choking emergency.

Because when a baby, child or adult is choking, dialing 911 is too late.

Luke's story is sad, but here is what Jasmine (aka Mommy Superhero) did to save Penny's life!

This is Penny, in March 2024, she suddenly started choking on a piece of latex balloon.

In the last 8 seconds, while Penny's face was turning grey, her mother knew that she had to make a split second decision

As someone with medical experience she knew that there was no way 911 could help her in time.

But Jasmine was prepared.

Jasmine had the "AntiChoke" in her medical cabinate. The AntiChoke is a small portable medical device that can instantly save someone from choking.

She immediately ran to her medical cabinet, laid the baby down on the bed, placed it on top of her mouth and with one simple pull she immediately dislodged the piece of balloon that was blocking baby's airway.

Here is how the Essent Ways Antichoke works in action

After this viral story aired on PBS and NBC in January 2024, the AntiChoke sold out in days.

However after over a month of waiting, starting from March 2024, we are finally back in stock and selling out fast.

To make sure each family gets a set, we limit 3 devices per address due to limited stock. Order priority is given to elders and families with kids.

The AntiChoke is a must-have device. Get yours below:

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Save Your Loved Ones From Choking with Antichoke

AntiChoke™- Babysafe

AntiChoke™- Babysafe

Regular price $49.95
Regular price $99.90 Sale price $49.95
Sale Sold out

A choking death occurs every 64 minutes!

But, only 1 in every 2,746 people is prepared for a choking emergency




1. Can I use this device on myself?

Yes, you can use this device on yourself in a choking emergency, that's exactly what this device was designed for. The device has a powerful valve that doesn't require much force to operate, making it ideal for the elderly who don't have much strength.

2. Why not just use the Heimlich Maneuver? 

The Heimlich Maneuver requires two people, which means that it can not be used by someone alone, or if the two people are elderly as it requires a lot of strength.

3. Where can I see the reviews?

The reviews are at the very bottom of the page. 

4. Can this device be used on a baby or child?

Yes, the device comes with a baby/child mask as well. A single device is designed for the entire family. 

5. How many devices do I need?

It is recommended to have one in every room. If you live in a 2-bedroom house, 2 devices are recommended. This is to minimize the time needed to get the device in an emergency. 

6. Can CPR help?

No, CPR is used when a heart stops beating or in a drowning emergency, not in a choking emergency. Even then, it requires two people.

7. Can I purchase with a Credit Card?

Yes, you can purchase with a Credit Card via PayPal, just click on "Create Account" on the PayPal page if you don't have an account and you can continue your purchase without an account and pay with your card. 

Total products sold: 9,567. Reported lives saved: 188.

We hope you'll make the right decision!

- Essent Ways

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